The Gap Youth and Community Centre has just completed our pilot project of CodeGap – a youth project teaching young people the technical skills of coding and developing their own Front-end webpages. The pilot program, funded by the Northern Territory Government, which enabled 5 young people to attend daily sessions through the April 2021 school holidays.
The pilot project was highly successful with the young people learning HTML and CSS coding languages, and each of the young people developing their own Front-end web pages. Our developer, EJ Bollie, was so impressed with the ability of the young people to pick up the languages and skills in such a short time; the pilot was just 10 hours in total, 2 hours per day over the 5 day school holiday period. The young people involved were between the ages of 8 to 10 years old from a different cultural backgrounds. So the potential of these young people in Alice Springs is even more impressive.
The project is set to continue around the June / July 2021 school holiday period, this time there will be 2 weeks of Coding Bootcamp for young people to learn the joy of coding with EJ Bollie. The developer disclosed that he intends to step Bootcamp up in the future by introducing the kids to more advanced Programming languages like JavaScript and Python. CodeGap is open to all young people in our community, and in line with the Gap’s mission, creating our future, we welcome all young people into our programs. We encourage all young people in our community to be involved and we look forward to you registering yourself, if you are a young person, or your child ,if you are a parent for our program for the July school holiday program. We provide everything you need; the space, the computers, transport if you need to be picked up, snacks to keep your mind on track, our highly skilled developer (EJ Bollie) and lots of fun.
To register your kid for the up-coming June/July 2021 Coding Bootcamp, please contact the Gap Youth and Community Centre:
Email: or phone 8952 3927